Hi everyone,
I thought it would make an exception and make my blog in english this time. Who knows, I might have a few english speaking readers :)
I had my last day at the Entrepreneur Center today and it was a little sad to leave. I know I will be coming back when I get back from Denmark, but it just been so nice to be there and I have met so many great people, so I guess I knew it would be a little sad to leave. I am home now and I should start packing since I am leaving saturday morning, but I might just procrastinate the rest of the day :)
Peter will be home later and we have a Netflix date tonight. We just got 'The Cove' yesterday and I am very excited to see it. I am in this weird 'animal rights mood' these days, especially since we saw 'Sharkwater' last week. My friend Elizabeth told me that The Cove is just as sad, if not more, than Sharkwater, so we have to see it!
Last night I went running in East Nasty for the last time before DK and it was so hard. It was only a 4.3 mile run, but for some reason it was really hard. After the run, Keely, Kristin and I went to 3 Crow's Bar down the street and got a few well-deserved beers. I am going to miss our wednesday night runs, so I better convince the girls back home to come run with me every wednesday :)
Afterwards, Keely dropped me off at Jeff and Amanda's place where Peter and some other friends were hanging out. They had made a camp fire in the back yard and were just chilling out. The weather is so nice overhere and I hope it will not be too cold when I go back.. I just got used to spring time :)
Well, I better start packing and wrap it all up before my departure. I can't wait to see everyone back home, friends and family, but I am also looking forward to come back to Nashville after all my exams :)
I'll be seeing y'all :)
For the Danes:
Hej allesammen,
Jeg tager afsted herfra Nashville på lørdag og er hjemme i DK på søndag ved middagstid. Jeg skal bo hos Helle Pip noget af tiden og det bliver så hyggeligt. Jeg skal også til Bornholm noget af tiden og se familien, og så planlaegger jeg også at bo lidt hos Birgitte :) Jeg er hjemme indtil jeg bliver faerdig på CBS, dvs indtil tidlig juni, så jeg burde have masser af tid til at få set Jer allesammen :) Jeg kommer til at savner pomfritten rigtig meget, øv det er lang tid at vaere vaek fra ham, men tiden kommer sikkert til at flyve afsted og jeg er tilbage i Nashville before you know it :)
Vi ses snart!!!!
Here is a few pictures from our hiking trip last weekend in Savage Gulf:
Another waterfall :)
Peter, on top of the world :)
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